So as you may have noticed, we have has a few crew changes, we have welcomed Dom our new piercer all the way from Germany, and we have Beks on a trial on our front desk.


We have said goodbye to two of our long term crew, of whom without we would still be a struggling studio today.


We have introduced new jewellery suppliers and improved our already great hygiene procedures and practices, as well as found ways of increasing the sterility of the studio and piercing room.

We are constantly striving to improve our ways so you the customer get the very best piercing experience, Safe, Caring, Relaxed, Experienced.

We have been endorsed by nurses doctors and other medical people alike, we are humbled by this and stay grounded and professional.


There are more changes in the future, with your help we can make them quicker, with you supporting this studio and recommending us to your friends.


We find it amazing that with all this and how popular we are, we still get attacks from people in the industry that really don’t want to see us succeed, so every piercing or body mod we do, we make sure there are no reasons or issues that we can be faulted on, we take pride in the work we do and our aftercare is second to none, if we fail you then we put our hands up and do our very best to resolve the issue so both parties are happy with the eventual outcome

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